Energiso is a stylish WordPress Theme with modern industrial design that is an ideal option for a renewable energy supplier, solar panel, solar panel maintenance company, solar panel manufacturer, recycling company, organic and biological services for a variety of eco-friendly business types.
You need at least WordPress version 4.8+ installed for this theme to work properly. It is strongly recommended that you always use the latest stable version of Wordpress to ensure all known bugs and security issues are fixed. Other requirements:
Once you've downloaded the installation file, extract it and locate a file called energie.zip. You can install the theme by using one of two installation methods:
to activate the newly installed theme.Activate
below your newly uploaded theme.Once the theme is uploaded, you need to activate it. Go to Appearance -> Themes and activate your chosen theme.
Great - you can now start building your site!
The error: "Maximum Execution Time Exceeded in WordPress"
Instructions about memory limit increase. you can increase the maximum upload size in WordPress. Edit the .htaccess file in your WordPress site’s root folder and add the following code:
php_value max_execution_time 500
php_value memory_limit 64M
php_value post_max_size 4M
php_value max_input_time 500
php_value upload_max_filesize 10M
After theme instalation you need to install and activate included plugins.
Want to build your site like the demo? You can do it by only one click!
** Note: Before proceeding, please remember that when you are done to active recomonded plugin. So it is highly recommended that you should only do this in fresh site. **
First please make sure that Cleanhit Parent Theme is activated on your site.
From Admin menu, navigate to Appearance -> Import Demo Data.
In this page, Click on the Import Demo Data button for installing the Content.
It will take some time for importing the demo contents. Please note: Most of the images are replaced with a placeholder image because of licensing.
After importing demo data, please update your permalink. To update permalink, navigate to Settings -> Permalink and then click on Save Settings button.
If you face any issue, check the Troubleshooting section from here.
From Admin menu, navigate to Energie Options. Then go to Subscribed tab.
Set Your Won Mailchimp API Key, fig-3
Set Your Won Mailchimp List ID, fig-4 Then Click on Save Changes button.
After changing the settings, Click on Publish button.
Navigate to Pages -> Add new. Here you can find the option.
fig-1 : This option for showing breadcrumb on top of the pages.
fig-3 : This option for showing page title on breadcrumb.
fig-4 : If you select defautl then the page tilte will show on bredcrumb, if you want show custom title then you have to change the option from dropdown menu default to custom title and write your custom title to custom title field.
fig-5, 6 : there have lot of option you may choce one of them as per your requirments.
At first you need to change your header information as per you need. To change your header information at first you need to go Energie Builder -> Header Builder then you can see 4 header style and chose one of them to edit.
you can change the all information for all the header styles by this procedure.
Navigate to Pages -> All pages there you can see all of the pages which you include.
fig-2 : After click Edit With Elementor you can see this below options
Setup The Static Front Page
Energie is fully child theme compatible. We have attached a basic child theme to the download package which contains the minimum of required files. If you are planing any code customisations we highly recommend to do this inside the child theme! Learn more about child themes here
If you face any issue, please contact us.
Thank you for purchasing our theme.
Thank you for purchasing our Theme. We hope that you find all your questions regarding this Theme answered in this Documentation as much in details as possible. However, if you still need support, do not hesitate to contact us at our support forum for this Theme. If you have any questions that are beyond the scope of this help file, please feel free to email me. Thanks so much!